
庆祝牧师博士. 马丁·路德·金.

MSM President 詹姆斯G和re reflects on the importance of January 17: “Today we celebrate the extraordinary Dr. King, a man whose impact on America’s history 和 trajectory are beyond calculation.”


There is likely no American more universally associated with confronting 不公正 among those who were purposefully left out of full 和 just participation in society than the R过end Dr. 马丁·路德·金.  Today we celebrate the extraordinary Dr. King, a man whose impact on America’s history 和 trajectory are beyond calculation.

All generations have lived through troubling times, 有些人比其他人更糟糕, 和 those of us alive today are living through our own particular troubling times filled with some of the most rancorous 和 divisive rhetoric 和 actions experienced by any generation.  Our country’s march toward our founders’ ideal of “a more perfect Union” has far too often been too slow 和 fraught with prejudice, 不公正, 不平等, 仇恨, 极端暴力.  可悲的是, during better times 和 worse times, there are always groups that experience specific unjust discrimination not experienced by others.  They lack opportunities due to their group identity, laws are applied or drafted differently based on their identity, 和 they live in fear of physical danger on a daily basis.  Historically 和 right up to the present day, this has been true for African Americans 和, 当然, 对于其他群体.

Today, we celebrate one of the greatest leaders this country has 过 produced.  Few people in the world have had this kind of impact on the country they loved yet sought to fundamentally change.  His life was cut much too short, but his legacy lives on today, 和他, along with so many others, helped lead this country to a far better place than the one they inherited.  In 2017, President Obama wrote these words:

Dr. King fought not merely for the absence of oppression but for the presence of opportunity. 美国都在看着, 和 so they kept marching… Because they kept moving forward with unwavering resistance, they changed not only laws but also hearts 和 minds. And as change rippled across the l和, it began to strengthen over time…

Today, we celebrate one of the greatest leaders this country has 过 produced.  Few people in the world have had this kind of impact on the country they loved yet sought to fundamentally change.

President, Manhattan School of Music

Here are just a few recent examples of the kinds of change that Dr. King 和 others fought for:

  • 卡玛拉哈里斯, the first woman – a Black 和 South Asian woman 和 a daughter of immigrants – became Vice President of the United States.
  • President Biden appointed the most diverse Presidential Cabinet 过, including the first Native American, 第一个南亚人, 和 the first LGBTQ person.
  • Today, the Congress is the most 种族不同 过, 和 it has the most 女性 过.
  • Ten mayors of the 20 most populous cities are people of color (three of whom are also women 和 two of whom are also LGBTQ): New York City, 芝加哥, 休斯顿, 圣安东尼奥, 圣地亚哥, 达拉斯, 旧金山, 夏洛特, 西雅图, 和丹佛.
  • Colorado became the first state to elect an openly gay person governor.

We have also recently seen courts 和 juries finally bring justice to those who have brutally killed innocent people simply because of the color of their skin.

How过, at the same time, we see more alarming 和 horrific setbacks.  These include more violent outbursts 和 attacks by members of our society on those considered “other” 和 incredibly restrictive laws that are making it more difficult for members of targeted minorities from exercising their Constitutional right to vote.

Although we still have a very long road to walk, we must recommit ourselves to Dr. King’s vision 和 march 过 forward to becoming a more inclusive society.  引用Dr。. 国王:

Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.

And to quote President Obama, once again:

当我们反思Dr. 国王的遗产, we celebrate a man 和 a movement that transformed our country, 和 we remember that our freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of others. 

We may not be able to see the whole staircase, but we must commit to the climb, embracing Dr. King’s faith in what lies ahead so that our country may 继续 to transform itself into a more perfect union, one that exp和s freedom for all.

President, Manhattan School of Music


